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Steak Burgers, available up to 10oz.
Homemade Sausages - A wide range of flavours. Priced per KG. Allergens:...
Minted Lamb Burgers. Priced individually
Steak Mince. Priced per KG.
Whole Chickens. Priced per KG.
Chicken Fillets. Priced per KG.
Boneless Loin Chops. Priced per KG.
Diced Steak. Priced per KG.
Breast of Lamb. Priced per KG
Topside Beef. Priced per KG.
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Chicken Legs. Priced per KG.
Chicken Livers. Tub of 225g.
Loin Chops. Priced per KG.
Beef Cheeks - Priced per KG
Beef Short Ribs - Priced per KG SOURCED TO ORDER
Shoulder of Lamb. Priced per KG.
Boneless, rolled, Shoulder of Pork. Priced per KG.
Lamb Cutlets. Priced per KG.
Boned out chicken Leg with stuffed with Sage&Onion Stuffing and wrapped with a smoked bacon rasher.
Neck fillet of Lamb. Priced per KG.
Pork Fillet. Priced per KG.
Lamb Steaks - Priced per KG
Gammon Hocks - Priced individually
Chicken Drumsticks - Priced per KG